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Ethical History Teaching Awards

Ethical History Teaching Awards

The SHP Curriculum PATHS Council are seeking to recognise the amazing work of teachers all over the UK, who put ethics at the heart of their history curriculum planning. We are launching two new awards to recognise this work.

Ethical History Teaching Award

This award is for teachers and departments who have used our Ethical Principles in their curriculum planning and teaching. Any teacher or department sharing a unit via the Curriculum PATHS Sharing Hub is eligible for the award.

  1. Join Curriculum PATHS: HERE
  2. Read our Ethical Principles: HERE
  3. Create and Share your unit via our Sharing Hub Padlet: HERE

Ethical History Planning Award for Beginning Teachers in ITE

This award is for beginning teachers who have used our Ethical Principles in their curriculum planning, whether or not those units have yet been taught in school. Any beginning teacher is eligible for the award if they share their planning via our new Curriculum PATHS ITE Planning Lab. We hope these initial plans will become tested schemes of work in the future and can then be updated and moved to our main Sharing Hub.

  1. Join Curriculum PATHS: HERE
  2. Read our Ethical Principles: HERE
  3. Create and share a unit via our ITE Planning Lab Padlet: HERE
